Kane County Family Lawyer

Are you facing a divorce or dealing with other family law issues in Kane County, Illinois? A dedicated Kane County family lawyer from Manassa Law P.C. can guide you through this difficult time with compassion, understanding, and unwavering support.

We recognize that each family’s situation is unique. If you have children, you’re probably concerned with allocating parental responsibilities, parenting time, child support, and other related issues. Perhaps you and your spouse have considerable assets to divide. Whatever the issue, our team is committed to protecting your rights and working towards the best possible outcome for you and your loved ones.

Please reach out to us today for a free consultation. Let’s discuss your situation, explore your options, and start charting a path forward together. Your future is important, and we’re here to help you secure it.

Manassa Law Team

Types of Kane County Divorces We Handle 

At Manassa Law P.C. we have extensive experience handling a wide range of divorce cases in Kane County, including:

Contested Divorce/Divorce Litigation

Couples may face a contested divorce if they can’t agree on terms and work together to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. These cases often require litigation, where a judge makes final decisions on disputed matters. 

Our team is well-versed in courtroom procedures and will vigorously advocate for your interests throughout the litigation process.

Uncontested Divorce 

In an uncontested divorce, both parties agree on all major issues. While this process is typically smoother and faster than a contested divorce, you still need legal representation to ensure the agreement aligns with your goals and protects your interests. 

Collaborative Divorce 

Collaborative divorce is a non-adversarial approach where both parties and their attorneys work together to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. This process often involves other professionals like financial advisors or child specialists. We’re trained in collaborative law techniques to help you achieve a positive outcome without going to court.

Divorce Mediation 

Mediation involves a neutral third party who helps facilitate discussions between you and your spouse to reach agreements on divorce-related issues. As your attorneys, we can represent you during mediation or review any agreements before the court finalizes them.

High-Asset Divorce 

High-asset divorces involve complex financial issues such as business valuations, extensive property holdings, or significant investments. Our team has the knowledge and resources to handle these intricate cases, ensuring a fair division of assets and protection of your financial interests.

Other Family Law Services We Provide 

While divorce is a significant part of our practice, we offer a full range of family law services to meet all your needs:


Modifying an Existing Divorce Agreement 

Life changes, and sometimes your divorce agreement needs to change too. We can help you modify orders for child support, spousal maintenance, parenting time, or allocation of parental responsibilities when circumstances warrant.

Contempt Proceedings and Enforcing a Divorce Order 

If your ex-spouse refuses to follow the terms of your divorce decree, we’ll work to enforce the order through the court, through contempt proceedings if necessary.

Preparing and Enforcing Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements 

Planning for the future? We can help draft and negotiate prenuptial or postnuptial agreements that protect your interests while being fair to both parties.

Relocation of a Minor Child 

If you need to move with your child or face a situation where your ex wants to relocate with your child, we can help navigate this complex area of law.


Establish parentage to protect the rights of both parents and ensure children receive the financial support they need. We can help you navigate paternity tests and legal proceedings to establish or challenge parentage.

Why Choose Manassa Law P.C. to Handle Your Kane County Divorce 

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  • Local Knowledge: We’re familiar with Kane County’s family court system, judges, and local procedures. This insider knowledge can be invaluable in navigating your case efficiently.
  • Personalized Attention: We believe in providing individualized service. We take the time to understand your unique situation and tailor our approach to your specific needs and goals.
  • Compassionate Counsel: We understand the emotional toll of divorce. Our team offers legal guidance and emotional support throughout the process.
  • Skilled Negotiators and Litigators: We have the skills to effectively advocate for your interests, whether at the negotiating table or in the courtroom.
  • Transparent Communication: We believe in keeping you informed every step of the way. You’ll never be left in the dark about the status of your case or your options.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: We strive to resolve your case efficiently, always mindful of your financial concerns.
  • Child-Focused Approach: In cases involving children, we always prioritize their well-being and work towards solutions that serve their best interests.

What’s the Divorce Process in Illinois? 

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Understanding the divorce process can help alleviate some of the stress and uncertainty you may feel.

Here’s a general overview of how divorce typically proceeds in Illinois: 

  • Filing the Petition: One spouse files a petition for dissolution of marriage with the court.
  • Serving the Petition: The other spouse is officially notified of the divorce filing.
  • Response: The served spouse has the opportunity to respond to the petition.
  • Discovery: Both parties exchange financial information and other relevant documents.
  • Negotiation: Parties and their legal counsel attempt to agree on issues like property division, child custody, and support.
  • Mediation: If needed, a neutral third party can help facilitate agreements.
  • Trial: If spouses can’t agree on issues, the case goes to trial where a judge makes final decisions.
  • Final Judgment: The court issues a final divorce decree, legally ending the marriage.

This process can vary depending on your specific circumstances. Our Kane County family lawyers will guide you through each step while explaining your rights and options.

Things to Think About During Your Kane County Divorce 

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Divorce involves many important decisions that can have long-lasting impacts on your life.

Here are some key areas to consider: 

  • Allocation of Parental Responsibilities and Parenting Time: Illinois refers to what many states call “custody” and “visitation” as “allocation of parental responsibilities” and “parenting time.” These terms focus on the responsibilities of parenting rather than the possession of the child. You’ll need to consider how major decisions about your children will be made and how time with the children will be shared.
  • Property Division: Illinois is an equitable distribution state, meaning marital property is divided fairly, but not necessarily equally. You’ll need to identify all marital assets and debts and consider how they should be divided. 
  • High-Net-Worth Considerations: If you have significant assets, your divorce may involve additional complexities, such as business valuations, stock options or restricted stock units, trust funds, multiple properties, and international assets.
  • Spousal Maintenance (Alimony): Consider whether spousal support is appropriate in your case, either paying or receiving.
  • Child Support: Illinois calculates child support using an income shares model. This considers both parents’ incomes and the amount of parenting time each has.
  • Health and Life Insurance: You’ll need to consider how health insurance coverage will be maintained for you and your children post-divorce. You also need to consider life insurance policies that have your spouse named as the beneficiary.
  • Estate Planning: Your divorce will likely necessitate updates to your will, trusts, and beneficiary designations.
  • Tax Implications: Divorce can have significant tax consequences, particularly regarding property division and support payments.
  • Emotional Well-being: Consider seeking emotional support through therapy or support groups. You must take care of your mental health during this challenging time.
  • Future Planning: Think about your goals for the future. How will the decisions you make now affect your life post-divorce?
  • Children’s Adjustment: If you have children, consider how to help them adjust to the changes. This might include co-parenting classes or family therapy.

At Manassa Law P.C. we’ll help you navigate these considerations, ensuring you have the information you need to make informed decisions about your future.

How Can Your Kane County Family Lawyers Help Me? 

Larry Manassa Best Attorneys Lifetime Member

Our Illinois family lawyers provide comprehensive support throughout your family law matter.

Here’s how we can assist you: 

  • Explain your rights, options, and the potential outcomes of different courses of action.
  • Work with you to develop a strategy tailored to your specific goals and circumstances.
  • Handle all necessary legal paperwork and file everything correctly and on time.
  • Advocate on your behalf in negotiations with your spouse’s attorney, working to reach favorable agreements without court intervention when possible.
  • Provide strong representation in court if your case goes to trial and present your case effectively to the judge.

We understand the emotional nature of family law cases and provide a supportive, understanding environment. We can help you understand the financial implications of different settlement options, especially in high-asset cases. Following your divorce, we can help with any issues that may arise, including modifications and enforcements.

We can guide you through this challenging time as smoothly as possible, always keeping your best interests at the forefront.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Kane County Divorces 

What’s the typical timeline for finalizing a divorce in Kane County? 

The time it takes to finalize a divorce in Kane County depends on the complexity of your case and whether you and your spouse can work together.

If you can agree on terms, we can help you finalize your divorce in a few months. If your case must go to trial, it could take well over a year or more to finalize.

Will I have to go to court for my divorce? 

Not always. If you and your partner agree on all aspects, you can sidestep courtroom appearances entirely.

How does Illinois handle asset division in divorce cases? 

Illinois adheres to “fair distribution” principles, which aim for equitable, not necessarily equal, division of assets. The court weighs factors such as each party’s financial input, marriage duration, and individual economic outlooks.

Can I get alimony (spousal maintenance) in my divorce? 

It’s possible, but not automatic. The court considers various factors, including the length of the marriage, each spouse’s income and earning capacity, and the standard of living established during the marriage.

How is the allocation of parental responsibilities (custody) determined? 

The court’s primary consideration is the best interest of the child. Factors include the wishes of the child and parents, the child’s adjustment to home and school, and each parent’s ability to cooperate in child-rearing decisions.

Are there restrictions on relocating with children post-divorce? 

Moving out of state with children after divorce requires either the other parent’s consent or court approval. The court will assess whether such a move aligns with the child’s best interests.

What can I do if my spouse doesn’t want a divorce? 

Illinois is a no-fault divorce state. If one spouse wants a divorce, they can obtain one by citing irreconcilable differences, even if the other spouse objects.

How much will my divorce cost? 

The cost can vary widely depending on the complexity of your case and whether it goes to court. We can provide a more specific estimate after learning more about your situation.

Can I date during my divorce? 

While it’s not illegal to date during divorce, it can complicate matters, especially if children are involved. It’s best to discuss this with your attorney before making any decisions.

What if I can’t locate my spouse to serve divorce papers? 

If you made reasonable efforts to locate your spouse without success, the court may allow service by publication in a local newspaper.

Contact a Kane County Family Law Attorney Today 

Lawrence S. Manassa, Family Lawyer in Kane County
Lawrenc Manassa,Kane County Family Law Attorney

Navigating a divorce or family law matter in Kane County can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to face it alone. The family law attorneys at Manassa Law P.C. are here to guide you through every step of the process. You can rely on us to protect your rights, advocate for you and your children, and do all we can to ensure you obtain the results you seek. 

Contact us today at (847) 221-5511 for your free consultation. Let’s discuss your situation and explore how we can help you start building a brighter future for yourself and your loved ones.