Wooden Blocks Spelling Divorce With Gavel and Couple Figures

Uncontested Divorces Can Quickly Become Contested Divorces

Going through a divorce is never easy. If you’re facing a divorce in Illinois, you might feel overwhelmed and likely have many questions. Perhaps you and your spouse initially agreed to an uncontested divorce, hoping for a smooth and amicable process.

However, the speed with which a seemingly straightforward divorce can transform into a complex legal battle surprises many Illinoisans. Whether it’s disagreements over finances, child custody, or property division, uncontested divorces can quickly become contested divorces.

If you’re worried about the allocation of parental responsibilities, parenting time, child support, or any other aspect of your divorce, you must arm yourself with knowledge and seek professional guidance. While this blog offers valuable insights, nothing can replace the personalized advice of a local divorce and separation attorney.

Reach out for your free and confidential consultation to discuss your unique situation.

Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce in Illinois

Before diving deeper, let’s clarify what we mean by contested and uncontested divorces in Illinois:

  • Uncontested divorce: Both spouses agree on all major issues, including property division, allocation of parental responsibilities, parenting time, and financial matters. They can work together to create a mutually acceptable settlement agreement.
  • Contested divorce: Spouses disagree on one or more significant issues, requiring court intervention to resolve disputes.

Common Triggers for Contested Divorces

A woman pulling her wedding ring off her finger against background of divorce certificate.

While many couples start with the intention of an uncontested divorce, various factors can quickly derail this plan.

Some common triggers that can turn an uncontested divorce into a contested one include: 

  • Financial Disagreements: Money matters often become contentious during divorce proceedings. Disputes over alimony, debt division, or the true value of assets can quickly escalate an uncontested divorce into a heated legal battle.
  • Disputes Regarding Allocation of Parental Responsibilities and Parenting Time: Nothing stirs emotions like disagreements over children. What seemed like a clear-cut custody arrangement might unravel as parents grapple with the reality of shared time and decision-making responsibilities.
  • Property Division Conflicts: Illinois follows equitable distribution laws, but equitable doesn’t always mean equal. Disagreements over who gets the family home, how to split retirement accounts, or the fate of a shared business can lead to contest.
  • Hidden Assets Discovered: Trust is paramount in an uncontested divorce. If one spouse uncovers assets the other failed to disclose, it can shatter the foundation of cooperation and push the divorce into contested territory.

The Importance of Thorough Initial Agreements

You must address potential issues upfront to minimize the risk of your uncontested divorce becoming contested. This means having open, honest conversations about all aspects of your separation, no matter how uncomfortable they might be.

Clear communication is key. Don’t shy away from difficult topics and be prepared to compromise. Remember, the goal is to create a fair and sustainable agreement that works for both parties and, most importantly, serves the children’s best interests.

Even if you and your spouse are on good terms, you must properly and thoroughly document everything. A lawyer should write a clear, legally binding agreement. This protects both parties and provides a solid foundation if disagreements arise later.

A knowledgeable attorney can spot potential pitfalls, address all necessary issues, and help create an agreement that stands up to scrutiny.

Emotional Factors

Divorce is an emotional rollercoaster, and those emotions can significantly affect proceedings. What seemed reasonable during initial discussions might feel unfair as the reality of separation sets in.

Anger, betrayal, or fear can resurface, potentially derailing an uncontested divorce.

To manage these emotional challenges:

  • Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist.
  • Focus on long-term goals rather than short-term emotional satisfaction.
  • Consider mediation to help navigate difficult conversations.
  • Allow your lawyer to handle negotiations so they don’t trigger any emotions.
  • Remember that compromise doesn’t mean defeat – it’s often the key to a smoother process.

Time and Cost Implications 

One of the main advantages of an uncontested divorce is its efficiency. In Illinois, couples can finalize an uncontested divorce in a few months. Conversely, a contested divorce might drag on for a year or more.

The financial impact is equally significant. Uncontested divorces typically cost a fraction of what contested divorces do. When a divorce becomes contested, legal fees can skyrocket as attorneys spend more time negotiating, preparing for court, and potentially going to trial.

Mediation as a Potential Solution 

If your uncontested divorce starts to veer off course, consider mediation before resigning yourself to a fully contested process. Mediation involves working with a neutral third party to resolve disputes and find mutually acceptable solutions.

Benefits of mediation include: 

  • Less adversarial than courtroom battles
  • Often faster and more cost-effective than litigation
  • Allows for more creative problem-solving
  • Can help preserve relationships, which is especially important when children are involved

Additionally, mediation proceedings remain private. The mediator won’t disclose anything you or the other spouse say during the process, and it’s not open to public record. This can help maintain confidentiality and privacy about sensitive family topics. 

Overall, mediation can get an uncontested divorce back on track or prevent a newly contested divorce from escalating further.

Contact an Experienced Illinois Family Lawyer Today 

Navigating the complex waters of divorce in Illinois requires skill, knowledge, and experience. Whether you’re hoping to maintain an uncontested divorce or suddenly find yourself in contested territory, the Manassa Law P.C., team is here to help.

Our Barrington family and divorce lawyers understand the nuances of Illinois family law and the emotional challenges you’re facing. We’re committed to protecting your rights and interests while striving for the most favorable outcome possible. With our guidance, you can approach your divorce with confidence, knowing you have a dedicated advocate in your corner.

Don’t let uncertainty about your divorce keep you up at night. Contact Manassa Law P.C., today for your free, confidential consultation. Let us help you chart a course through your divorce that protects what matters most to you. Your future is important – take the first step towards securing it by reaching out to us now.

Larry Manassa
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